
Member feedback requested

Published Mon 22 May 2023

The Committee is currently reviewing our capital assets, in accordance with the strategic plan. Specifically, we're looking at the long term future of our facility. Some of you would be aware that we own the stadium and the house next door and a suggestion made from the floor at the last AGM was that we sell the house and use the proceeds to refurbish the Centre. Alternatively we could refurbish the house and rent it out, giving us an income stream, or we could just bulldoze it and create additional carparking. There are probably more options you can think of!

We're scheduling some feedback sessions with you this week, with a start time of 7PM before pennant starts on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We hope that you'll attend and make some suggestions about what you think we should do.

After the sessions we'll get some expert advice on your suggestions, including valuations and cost estimates from engineers, town planners, quantity surveyors and architects, put together a more formal proposal(s) and come back to members for another set of sessions to get your views on the proposal.


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