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Event information
Clinic Schedule:
Sat, 2 September – Open and Intermediate Sailors – 0900 to 1600.
Green Fleet Only. - 0900 to 12:30.
Sun, 3 September - Open and Intermediate Sailors – 0900 to 1600.
Green Fleet Only. - 0900 to 12:30.
Lead coach will be Grant Alderson and supported by coaches Michael Compton & Teyah Duthie.
The clinic will be run out of the FSC Dinghy Clubhouse as shown in the diagram below.
Storage: Sailors are very welcome to leave Optimists at FSC over this weekend.
Canteen: Sorry the canteen will be closed, please bring plenty of snacks and water.
Parking: Parking is available adjacent the Dinghy Clubhouse. The Club entrance gates will remain open.
What to bring:
What should each sailor bring to the camp?
• Notebook and pen
• Snacks for morning/afternoon tea
• Tape measure – Intermediate and Open sailors if you have one.
• Boat spares and equipment
• Sports clothing and shoes for fitness
• Spare change of clothes and a towel to get changed into after your on water session
• Refillable water bottle (we have a cold-water fountain to refill your water bottle)
• Sailing watch (if you have one)
• Optimist and all sails and spars.
• WARM Sailing Gear and WARM clothes for after sailing
Green Fleeters:
FSC has a number of Plastic Optimists that can be used for Green Fleeters who do not yet have their own equipment. Please indicate when registering whether you need one.
WAIODA membership:
To participate in this Clinic, sailors must be a member of WAIODA - Western Australia International Optimist Dinghy Association
Please contact WAIODA at to join if you are not yet registered as a member.
The coaching fees for this camp is proudly supported by The Ron Tough Yachting Foundation.