

Published Thu 19 Oct 2017

North Coast Regional Hockey Centre Development

Item 1

Deed of Agreement with Federal Government

Status: The Deed is signed by both parties and the funding is secured and we can expend moneys in accordance with the details of the agreement.

Item 2

Design for Civil works

Is complete and all plans and a Bill of Quantities have been finalized and distributed to Civil Works contractors 18-10-2017

Item 3

Civil Works Tender

The tender documents have been forwarded to contractors and the tenders close - COB Friday 27th October 2017. The outcome of the tenders is pivotal in all aspects of the project from cost and affordability to timing.

Item 4


It is unfortunate that circumstances have us at this stage 15 days behind schedule but we are hopeful that we will pick up time as navigate through the works. It will completely depend on the civil works contractor’s program and starting date to determine how far behind schedule we are. At this stage there is no concern with program for completion of the project.

Item 5

Building Committee

The Board has resolved to establish a building committee to manage the works and deliver the project. The resolution in brief is as follows:

· Clint Mallett will lead the committee as Project Manager

· Clint can determine who is on the committee and select suitably qualified and experienced people that will add value in delivering the project

· The building committee will have autonomy over how the project is developed and delivered based on the approved drawings

· The building committee do not have the autonomy or delegation to vary the intent of the approved design without Board approval

· The building committee will be able to make recommendations to the Board on proposed changes with justification as to why they should be considered/approved

Trent Brown a licensed and respected builder has already volunteered his time and services and other interested members can contact Clint forthwith 0414301668.

Item 6

Tiger Turf

Have visited site and preparing a contract, a program and are considering if they will do the existing surface first or concurrently with the new surface. They are also attending site 01-11-2017 for review of preliminaries. Tiger Turf’s is pivotal in us planning aspects of the project and in particular the removing the existing surface. We are pressuring TT for this information

Item 7

Disposal of existing surface

The contract with Tiger Turf will include a significant sum of money to lift and dispose of the existing surface. To reduce that cost the Board has resolved to offer the surface to anyone who would like it under the following circumstances:

1. If someone who would like assists FNC Hockey with removing their required quantity they will be able to take the surface for no cost

2. If someone would just like to purchase some of the turf and not assist in removing it they will be required to pay $2.00 per square meter. (other generosity will be welcome)

3. Anyone taking sections of the carpet will be required to remove from the area at their own costs with own modes of transport

4. The Board reserves the right to reconsider these arrangements if circumstances require it

Some of the surface has been committed already under point 1 and I think that totals around 493 square meters and there is more than 6000m2 to dispose of. Interested parties should contact Clint direct on 0414301668 to reserve sections of the carpet. Interested parties could also email Clint at the surface rolls are 3.6 meters wide and will be removed in 3.6-meter-wide pieces at the required length? Interested parties need to advise the area of carpet required. Once Tiger Turf submit their plan, the surface removal can be planned as well

Item 8


Proposals are being sort by providers to design, supply and supervise installation of lighting. Traditional and LED lighting is being considered and the Building Committee will make a recommendation to the Board on the most suitable product

Items for next Newsletter and consideration by Building Committee

· Demolition of Cricket Nets on proposed site

· Sewer redirection

· Fencing demolition and reinstatement

· Slab for player’s area and paving

Next Newsletter as required but will be fortnightly to monthly



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