2020-2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)


Wed 21 Jul 2021 19:30 — 20:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Floorball Vic would like to invite all our members (including all our affiliated clubs) to our AGM for 2021.

The AGM is our yearly gathering to hear about the year past, review our financial state, and vote on our next term of committee.

Come along to hear about our year in review, listen in on what we have planned, and take this opportunity to provide your feedback.

All financial members over 18 have voting rights at the AGM, and the right to nominate for committee roles. Please see attached nomination form for eligibility requirements.




Agenda for 2021 AGM

Meeting Open

Minutes of Previous Meeting

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Election of 2021-2022 Committee of Management

Nominations received:

Executive Committee

President Carl Hammerlund
Vice President Ryan Alexandrakis
Treasurer Sharon Lowden

General Committee

General Committee Member

Dylan Clutterbuck

Gillian Nguyen

Chloe Williams

Beppe Karlsson

Scott Justice

Shannon Salter

General Business

Meeting Close



Minutes from 2020 Special General Meeting



Nomination Form & Proxy Voting Form

Nomination Form (nomiate for committee)

Proxy Voting Form (nominate someone to attend & vote on your behalf)


Files for download
Minutes of the Special General Meeting for the VFA - 09.09.2020 2021 VFA AGM Committee of Management Nomination Form

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