Club Committee

Club Structure

2024/25 Committee 

President: Alison Sorell

Vice-President: Damian Robinson

Secretary: Madelene McNeil

Treasurer: Tony Hobbs

Athletics SA Delegate/Representative(s): Ross Hill-Brown

Flinders University Representative(s): Fraser Western, Zoe Carter

Club Gear Officer: TBA

Committee Members:  Robert Killmier, Rachel Hobbs, Tom Lancaster, TBA

As outlined by the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (SA) and our Constitution, the business of the small club shall be managed and the powers of the club shall be exercised by the committee. In particular, the committee shall act in accordance with the objectives of the club and shall operate for the benefit of the members and the community. 

There shall be no less than seven elected committee members. The committee can also appoint up to two committee members who need not be members of the club. This gives the committee flexibility to run the club. 

Committee members are elected at the AGM for a term of one year.

Office Bearers Positions

The main office bearers of the committee are: President, Vice-President, Secretary & Treasurer.

Committee Members (Portfolio) 

There are portfolios that are required by Athletics SA and Flinders University for us to meet our affiliation responsibilities and are held by committee members. 

Athletics SA Delegate/Representative

Flinders University Representative

Roles Required by the club (General)

The committee members shall attend meetings, contribute to the activities of the club, and may take responsibility for one or more "Club Roles", as outlined below:

Club Gear Officer - TBA

Facebook Manager/Coordinator - Paul Sutcliffe

Instagram Manager/Coordinator - Alison Sorell & Fraser Western

Sponsorship - TBA

Statistician - Paul Sucliffe

Relay Manager - Damian Robinson

Roles Required by Athletics SA

There are roles that are required by Athletics SA which may be filled by anyone from the club not necessarily committee members. 

Child Safe Officer - TBA

Event and Competition Contact - TBA

New Member/Inquiry Contact - TBA

Officials/Volunteers Coordinator - TBA

Social Media Contact - TBA


Awards Committee - TBA

Travel Assistance Committee - TBA

Soical Committee - TBA

Associations Act Role

Public Officer - TBA

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