
Flying Eleven Association of Australia Inc


Frequently Asked Questions

How old are the girls and boys that race F11’s?

9 to 17 yrs is an acceptable age range. 11 to 16 yrs is more the average age range and there are a significant number of girls participating.

How heavy should crew weights be when racing?

Combined crew weight of between 75 and 120 kgs is acceptable. 80 to 105 kgs is more the average combined crew weight range. Normally, the skipper is the larger of the two.

Which States support the racing of F11’s?

Currently NSW, QLD and Tasmania. However Western Australia and Victoria have previously raced F11’s

Where are National F11 Championships held?

On rotation between NSW, QLD and Tasmania.
Jan 2016 – Belmont NSW,

Jan 2017 – Hobart Tasmania,
Jan 2018 – Manly Sydney,
Jan 2019 – Port Stephens NSW,

Jan 2020 RQYS Brisbane QLD,
April 2021 Belmont NSW,
Jan 2022 Gosford NSW,
Jan 2023 – Port Stephens NSW,

Jan 2024 – RQYS Brisbane QLD.

How many boats compete in the National Championships?

In recent years approx. 50 boats. There have been Championships that have hosted in excess of 100 boats

How costly is a F11 to buy?

Approx. $2,000 - for a used “entry” boat. From approx. $4,000 upwards for a competitive used boat to approximately $15,000 for a new boat.

What is the cost of a new set of sails?

Jib approx. $350-$450

Main $650-$850

Spinnaker - $350-$500

Full set approx. $1,700

How heavy is the boat?

Fully rigged, approx 45 kg. Can easily be transported on the roof of a car.

In what wind strengths can the boat be sailed?

Experienced crews will happily sail the boat in 25kts+. The boats start to plane at around 10-12 kts. Anything over 8-10 kts and the sailing becomes exhilarating!

Can you learn to sail in a F11?

Yes. All Sailing Clubs that support F11’s have personnel capable of teaching youth to learn to sail.

Who have raced F11’s?

Approx. 80% of our current Olympic sailors.

For example; Malcolm Page, Nathan Outeridge, Olivia Price, Lucinda Whitty.

Where can I find out about the class measurement rules?

The details of the class measurement rules are in the Association constitution. The link to the constitution can be found on this site.

When do changes to class rules and the Constitution come into effect?

Any changes come into effect on 1st September of that year and remain in effect until September of the following year. This is described in the constitution

Where and when is the AGM held, and when are Agenda Items called for the AGM?

The AGM is held during the National Regatta each year, typically near the lay day. A call for Agenda items will be sent to State Associations no later than 30 November with the final Agenda circulated no later than 30 December of that year.
