Weekly duties

Softball (and all it's modified junior versions) is a very hands-on sport, there are a number of duties which enable the sport to run smoothly throughout the season. If you are new to the sport, it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the duties below. Volunteering is a great way to learn the rules and improve your understanding of the game. Why not give it a go?

Team Duties

Each team needs a number of volunteer helpers to ensure the game runs smoothly. For teeball and modball, it is particularly important that parents are involved and skilled in multiple duties so they can help out across the diamond.


Prepares the scoresheet, scores the game, and ensures all scores are agreed with opposition and submitted to MWSA at the end of the match. It is highly recommended that 2-3 parents learn to score. Scorers courses are held during the year by MWSA.


Should there not be umpires allocated to your diamond, your team may need to provide a plate umpire and two base umpires.

1st base coach

Coaches runners to first base.

3rd base coach

Coaches runners to third base.

Tee runner

Brings out the tee and removes the tee from the home plate in modball.

Batting line-up


Ensures the players come out to bat in the correct batting order.


Club Duties

Each week, all Forest Allambie teams will be required to nominate volunteer helpers for one of the following duties in the MWSA summer competition. These duties are rotated around the five clubs within the MWSA association.

Grounds duty Each Saturday the diamonds will need to be prepared early in the morning: bases laid out, nets erected, benches and marquees set up. At the end of the day, the equipiment will need to be removed and returned to storage.
Canteen duty Operate the canteen serving food and refreshments.
BBQ duty Operate the BBQ serving hot flame-grilled favourites.
Rolls duty Prepare bread rolls for the canteen.
Umpiring duties Provide plate and base umpires for matches

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