Baseline Concussion Testing

Who should conduct a Baseline Concussion Test?

Baseline Concussion Testing is recommended for all Falls Creek Race Club members and athletes:
  • Born in 2014 or earlier enrolled in a seasonal program - both weekends or full time. 
  • Holiday Program athletes who are club members and born 2012 or earlier.

How to conduct a Baseline Concussion Test

Please see instructions to conduct baseline concussion testing in the following:
A video summary that was made for the Freestyle camp to Jindabyne has been provided for further information. 
Watch Video

Key Steps

1. Download Sway Medical App
2. Please enter the code that applies to your age category (see PDF attached or click image below)
3. Follow steps on flowchart (PDF attached or click image below)
Ideally, the baseline testing is complete prior to 1 July 2024.
If you wish to see the Falls Creek Race Club Concussion Policy it is on the website. 
See FCRC Concussion Policy


Please contact Athletic Director at if you have any questions.

Files available for download


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