General Meeting

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Falls Creek Resort Management Boardroom – “The Boardroom” in the QT Building. Saturday 13 July 2019

Time: 9:30am Nature of Business:

1. Amending the Constitution to increase the number of ordinary members on the committee. Currently the Constitution allows a committee of six people, comprising the President, the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary and 2 ordinary committee members. The proposal is to change the wording to allow up to 6 ordinary members. The proposed drafting is identical to the drafting in the Associations Incorporation Reform Regulations 2012 (the Act).

Currently the clauses that require amendment read: Clause 20.(3)

Subject to section 23 of the Act, the committee shall consist of--

  1. (a)  the officers of the FCRC; and

  2. (b)  two ordinary members--

each of whom shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the FCRC in each year .

And, Clause 27.(1)

Any 4 members of the committee constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a meeting of the committee.

There will be two special resolutions that the attendees will be asked to vote on, as follows to allow a larger committee and deal with the number of committee members that are required to achieve a quorum at a committee meeting.

Both amendments replace the existing words in the sub-clauses with words copied in full from the Act.

1.1. Special resolution 1: To replace the current sub-clause 20.(3)(b) of the Constitution with the words:

a minimum of two and a maximum of 6 ordinary members

1.2. Special resolution 2: To replace the current sub-clause 27.(1).(3)(b) of the Constitution to with the words:

The quorum for a committee meeting is the presence (in person or as allowed under rule 61 of the Act) of a majority of committee members holding office

Note that rule 61 considers the use of technology to attend a committee meeting.

  1. Consultation with Members regarding a proposal to change the name of the club.

  2. Consultation with the Members regarding the Committee establishing a Subcommittee to manage the proposal to change the name of the club.

General Information

Please not the following with regard to General Meetings:

  1. (a)  No business other than that set out in this notice may be conducted at the meeting. As always, the committee will be happy to chat with members unofficially after the meeting.

  2. (b)  A quorum for a General Meeting is 5 members

  3. (c)  Each member over the age of 16 is entitled to one vote.

  4. (d)  Each member over the age of 16 is entitled to appoint another member as a proxy by

    completing the attached form and forwarding to the Secretary (Mike Gould) no less than 24

    hours prior to the meeting.

  5. (e)  Tochangetheconstitutionthreequartersofthemembersthatarevotingmustvoteforthe

    change to occur.

Files for download
Proxy form for voting at a General Meeting


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