Oceanic League of Legends Intervarsity (OLI)

Competition Timings 

OLI Split 2 2024

Divisions 1, 2, 3 and Women's competition registrations will be open July 01, 2024, to universities in the Oceanic region. 


 Competition   Registration Open   Registration Close  Week 1  Week 4  Tie Break Week

Semi Finals




Promotion Relegation


   Group Stage         Round 1-3  Round 4


1, 2 and 3

July 1 9 am 29 July  6 August  27 August   3 September  10 September   17 September   10 October   17 October 



July 1  9 am 29 July  7 August  4 September   11  September  18 September  25 September   10 October   17 October 


Link will be come active  1st July 2024

Early birds contact esports@qut.edu.au from 15 May 2024

Division 3 will be returning in Split 2! 


Registration is free

The games are free to play.

Universities may submit more than one team.

Universities may have more than one team in the same Division. However, seeding may determine which division a team plays in. Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 are both competitive leagues. The competition will scale and possible have a Division 3 for developing players.

Universities with more than one campus may have campus based teams.

The Team Manager or Team Representative will complete the team registration process and collate all player agreements. Student ID cards or student numbers will not be accepted.

Player registrations will not be considered complete unless all player agreements and proof of enrolment have been obtained from the Team Manager.

There will be an onboarding session for team managers and players. Your Team manager will receive those details after registration.

  • Tuesday, 30 July Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 
  • Wednesday, 31 July Women’s Competition 


Competition Prizing and awards


1st, 2nd and 3rd place medallions will be available.

Promotion and Relegation Oceanic Developmental Tournament (ODT)

At the conclusion of the Oceanic League of Legends Intervarsity competition team spots are available to progress to play in the 2024 Oceanic Development Tournament (ODT).

The top two teams from each category Division 1, Division 2 and Women’s will be given the opportunity to compete for positions in the ODT.

The trials will be held after post ODT for teams to take part in promotion and relegation tournament. The trials will be held after intervarsity between 10 – 17 October. The top 2 Division 1 teams will progress to Trials Stage 2. The top 2 Division 2 and top 2 Women’s teams will be offered to compete in Stage 1 Trials to progress to the promotion relegation tournament. This will be repeated each season.

If a team does not wish to contest a position it will be offered to next team on OLI ladder in each Division.


Draws, Results and Competition Ladders

Draws and results will be hosted: Draws & results

Competition ladders will be hosted: Ladders - QUT Sport


Match Days and Times

Division 1 and Division 2 times will be on Tuesday evenings between 6 August to 17 September from 6pm-10pm AEST (Qld Brisbane Time).

Women’s competition times will be on Wednesday evenings between 4 August to 25 September from 6pm-10pm AEST (Qld Brisbane Time and 14 August is a Public Holiday in Queensland and will delay time). 

Match Times are final. Changing match times as a flow on effect and impacts other teams and rounds.

Make sure you are familiar with the Weekly Roster time and Match day check in times to avoid penalities. These are listed in the Ruleset and Players Agreement. 


Player Registration 

  • Players must be currently enrolled in a degree. The program lasting at least two years and in academic good standing at their university they are competing for as either a (a) full-time student, or (b) part time student. Players are not eligible if you have any kind of temporary leave of absence until their return to classes, this includes students who are deferred or having a gap semester.
  • Ensure the valid op.gg account is added to your registration. This will be your highest level and or ranked account. If this is not your highest level or ranked account, please provide these details for scouting. Suspected Smurf or boosted accounts will be removed from the competition.
  • If you use a shared account, your account will be banned. No exceptions. Suspected accounts will be referred to RIOT games and if identified by RIOT games as a shared account the player will be banned in accordance with the Penalties Index.

Spectating and viewing 

Live streaming will be undertaken from the QUT Sport Production Studio at QUT Gardens Point Campus X Block X104.

Casters from other teams are welcome to join in with the QUT Casting following an onboarding session.

Division 1 and Women’s Competition games will be streamed each week through the QUT Esports Twitch main and B Streams.

Division 2 and Division 3 co streaming arrangements maybe permitted with application and aggreement with QUT Sport and Meta Esports. Informaiton will be made available soon.

Sport Athlete Training offered to Esport Athletes 

It is our commitment to athletes in Oceanic to help improve the community and wellbeing of all competitors. During the year it is envisaged that online athlete training session will be available to competitors.

This is optional training to support the community in safety and inclusivity.



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