Competitive Ruling 3 2024

Competitive Ruling 1 2024

OLI Competitive Ruling 3: QUT Division 3  players suspension 2 weeks

We regret to hear that some players across OCE have received a temporary 2-week suspension for use of unauthorized third-party lobby tool by RIOT Games. In compliance with RIOT Games' ruling and standards of integrity set this suspension applies to your participation here as well.

Affected Players:

-Reported Players: Thank you for your honesty. Your self-reporting has resulted in a lighter penalty in maintaining the same two-week suspension time

Players Identified Using Alternate Accounts
: Those found playing on alternate accounts during their suspension period will face more severe consequences, including longer bans. We all need to adhere to RIOT games requirements and the Esports Global Code of Conduct.

Next Steps:

Suspension Period
: Adhere to the suspension timeline and refrain from engaging in any competitive play until the suspension has been lifted. Do not use alternate accounts to play as this will result in severe penalty.

Exceptions: Should suspensions be extended, including permanent bans, the subject players will also be suspened, or banned, for ther same time period unless further consideration is required.We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.

Our goal is to maintain a fair and competitive environment for all players across OCE.


The OLI ODT Tournament Administration
23 May 2024 3.53pm

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