
Endeavour Rowing Club Inc


2024 Australian Masters Rowing Championships

Published Sat 11 May 2024

The 2024 National Masters Championship regatta was conducted on Lake Barrington in Tasmania, an idyllic setting in a steeply sided gorge surrounded by tall grey river gums. The course is well protected and the rowing conditions were perfect. The 4 Endeavour women who travelled to Tasmania covered 4 age categories: Rosie Furness (E category), Di McShane (F), Chris Brennan (G) and Lindy Nisbett (H).

Day 1: Rosie (+ Manning River) progressed through the heats (3rd) and semifinals (3rd) to be 8th in the final of WMC 2x. Chris, Di and Lindy (+ Lake Macquarie) were 3rd in their heat and 4th in the final to just miss a medal in WMG Qx.

Day 2: Chris and Di progressed from the heat (2nd) of WMG 2x to be 6th in the final. Rosie was 2nd in her heat of WME 1x and missed a medal by one place (4th) in the final. In the straight final of WMLwH 1x, Lindy held a narrow lead at the 500m mark but was overtaken to finish 2nd and earn a silver medal.

Day 3: Lindy had to withdraw from WMH 2x as her partner from North Shore injured her leg. This crew could have been a strong medal chance as their results a fortnight later would suggest. Chris, Rosie and Di (+ Lake Macquarie) won a silver medal in MWF Qx, having been 2nd in their heat and 2nd in the final.

Day 4: Di progressed in WMF 1x with 4th in her heat to be 7th in the final. Although Chris missed the final of WMG 1x with 5th in her heat she was to more than make up for it later in the day. Lindy rowed in a composite WMH 8+ for second place but missed a medal as there were only 2 starters. Rosie (+ composite) had outstanding rows in the heats of both WMD Qx and WME QX to win both heats only to be placed 7th in both finals. In Endeavour’s last race of the regatta, Chris and Lindy (+ Newcastle) took 2nd place in WMH Qx to gain a silver medal.

Endeavour rowers had earned silver medals in 3 events with 2 medals going to each of Lindy and Chris and one to Di and Rosie. Well done ladies!
Medal winners:
Silver – Womens Masters Lightweight H Single Sculls: Lindy Nisbett.
Silver – Womens Masters F Quad Scull: Tess R Fearon (Lake Macquarie), Chris Brennan, Rosie Furness, Di McShane.
Silver – Womens Masters H Quad Scull: Sue Brown (Newcastle), Sue Kemp (Newcastle), Chris Brennan, Lindy Nisbett.
