


2024 Team Competitions

We are excited to be sending both a Junior and Intermdiate team to Melbourne for competitions in 2024.  We aim to compete in 3 competitions in for each age group.  Schedules will be released in May 2024 after which we can confirm the dates, times and locations for these.

What's Involved?

Participants in the Junior and Intermediate classes can opt in to competitions and the fee is $140pp billed 50% Term 2 and 50% Term 3.  All make-up, costumes and head gears are included in the term fees and costumes should be returned after the last performance of 2024.

There will be a stage practice in Sale late Term 2 or early Term 3 which will be on a Sunday lasting 3 hours per age group to give the teams experience of "performing" before their first competition.  When we receive the competition schedule, we will set the date for the stage practice.

One week before the competition we will confirm arrival time at the venue, and ensure all participants have transport either on their own or car pooling with other families.

We have some flexibility on which competitions we can enter, so if you have holidays planned anytime from start of Term 3 through to 20th October 2024, please email us the dates so we can try to avoid these dates in our entries.

2024 Competition Dates

These will be published when confirmed by CaliVic in May 2024. 

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