Little Athletics

2024/25 Athletics season to start Friday 13th September

Registrations will open in August 2024 - more details to come.


Role of Age Manager
  • Record weekly results
  • Communicate important information to parents in age group using the team stack app
  • Report any result disputes on behalf of age group to Friday night coordinator.
Role of Age Coach
  • Teach age group each event skill.
  • Seek assistance for skill development through Age manager coordinator when needed.
  • Report any result disputes on behalf of age group to Friday night coordinator.

Send your expression of interest to

Dubbo Athletics Club has grown into a large organisation with well over 350 junior athletes as well as seniors. Our Friday centre nights require a substantial amount of organisation on thepart of the club committee. As such, we rely on the efforts of parents to take age groups around
to their various events throughout the evening. Age groups are usually separate for boys and girls and go from Under 6 through to Under 17.

Becoming involved with an age group is a personally very satisfying commitment. For you and your other parent helpers, you will get to know your young athletes well. You will experience their character and personality and see them grow as athletes and people as the season
unfolds. You will also get to learn more about the various events in which they compete. It is an experience and an opportunity that many people do not get, either by choice or chance. Our promise to you is that you will find it very interesting and rewarding.

1. Centre nights commence at 5.45 pm as athletes and age group leaders assemble on the track in front of the grandstand. You are provided with competition sheets for each event scheduled for your athletes. This includes names, registration numbers, centre records
and (where appropriate) the weight of implements such as discus. There will also be a location map showing the location of competition areas such as shot rings and long jump pits. All this is contained in a labelled tub for your group.

2. The centre announcer calls groups to various events as the evening progresses. You will need to keep them together and marshal them to these events as soon as practical. When you arrive at marshalling areas for track events, you can help by organizing athletes into lanes behind the start. This is best done at random by you. Your athletes ought not get to choose. At field events, you and your helpers (you will need at least two other parents) run the event, calling up athletes in order, observing their jump/throw and recording performances. So ideally, you will have a marker, measurer and recorder. Where you feel able, there are opportunities to coach your athletes about rules, tactics and techniques. Fear not, you are welcome to ask experienced hands or any of the committee (they will be in black and white club polos) for advice. The Friday event schedule is published on our Facebook page days prior (search Dubbo Athletics Club) so this gives you a chance to contact any of us or brush up on Google. (Be careful though, as you are working with junior athletes, not seniors where certain techniques may be beyond a young athlete eg arm withdrawal for a javelin thrower). Events such ashigh jump and discus are quite technical. It helps to learn a little more. And it is so interesting.

3. You also need to be proactive with your athletes’ wellbeing:
Sun protection
Toilet breaks
Managing risks such as avoiding active sectors eg javelin or long jump or walking
across the track whilst an event is in progress.
Not wandering off to kick a football etc.
Not pick up throws implements until their turn comes around.

4. Promoting healthy, ethical competition among your group. Invariably, you will get plodders and quite proficient athletes at particular events.
Genuine encouragement works wonders eg cheering them on during an 800 or applauding a worthy throw or jump.
Encouraging your athletes to applaud and cheer each others’efforts.
Encouraging healthy competition and inclusion at all times. Not everyone can be a winner. When athletes feel their efforts (regardless of performance) are worthy, they love cheering and affirmation. It makes them feel good about themselves and want to
come back next week and beyond.
Also remember that it takes a different approach with an Under 6 compared to a twelve year old. Boys often require a stronger approach than with girls. The younger ones will need a lot more instruction on how to compete too. Older athletes require structure, direction and encouragement. There will always be those who will appreciate coaching advice also, as they may still be a rookie.
At school, your athletes will have learned how to line up in competition order and either sit or stand awaiting their turn. You are encouraged to refine this approach to suit your group. Train them in this approach from the beginning. Insist on it consistently.

As well as your parent helpers, you can approach any of the committee for advice and assistance. This might be on a Friday night or by email or a phone call/text where appropriate. You can gather this information from our web site or Facebook page. Should you encounter a situation concerning an athlete or athletes that involves conduct or welfare, contact Neil Sharkey as Age Group Manager. He has many years of experience with athletics as well as decades as a senior teacher and welfare person. His email address is TBC or you can call him on 0407821422.

What actions and behaviours can I expect from my group?
It is important to establish fair guidelines from the start. Then your athletes know the
boundaries. The thing we all appreciate most is being treated fairly. Your athletes will appreciate
you and happily follow you if they feel safe, valued and appreciated for their efforts and conduct.
Younger groups will need help, direction and lots of encouragement. Older groups need
boundaries and firm, fair management.




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