Start of Comp - Season 1, 2023


Tue 14 Feb 2023 19:00 — 21:30
Marrara Sporting Complex, Multi-Purpose Hall, 10 Abala Road, Marrara NT 0812

Event information

This event has passed.

Comp is starting.

C Grade Tue 14 Feb;

A Grade Wed 22 Feb;

B Grade 23 Feb.

Please register to play. 

The competition format for all Grades is the three-person team format.

If you would like to play in a team:

  • Nominate directly to
  • Sign up on Club Noticeboard
  • If you cannot play regularly in a team, tell us if you can substitute
  • and, most importantly , complete your club registration (online or paper form, see downloadable files below). Same forms are posted on Club Noticeboard. Registration is $120 for this year (Concession Comp is $100). Social and Senior Players, if you substitute in more than 3 rounds, you will need to change your registration and, if relevant, pay additional fee eg Seniors change from $60 to $120 Adult Comp or $100 Concession Comp; Social change from $100 to $120 Adult Comp or to $100 Concession Comp (no change in fee, but need to upgrade registration status). 

Match fees are $10 per week for A and B Grade and $7 for C Grade. If you want to pay 15 Rounds upfront, or 7 and then 8, you can pay by EFTPOS into DTTA Account. Here are the details:

Account name: ‘Darwin Table Tennis’, BSB: 085-928 Account Number: 508162377: If using EFT insert “(Name) A/B/C Grade Fee” as applicable.

Files for download
DARWIN TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION INC FEES 2023 Paper Form - 2023 DTTA Registration Form How to register online


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