2025 Grade Competition - Season 1 - will start early February 2025, 7pm
Tell us if you want to play in a team. Contact darwintta@gmail.com or Rodney Hee, Robert Ho, Michael Ndukwe or (for C grade) Christine Marshall or a member of the DTTA committee.
Make sure you have joined DTTA as a registered member for 2025. That means:
- Adult Comp registration ($130/y), or
- Concession Comp registration ($120/y) - concession is available to juniors, full-time uni students and people on disability or state age pension (we may ask for verification).
Try out days - for A and B grades
Dates TBA but likely to be early February. Talk to Rodney Hee for A grade and Michael Ndukwe and Robert Ho for B grade.
We hope to run 6 teams of 3 players in each grade.
Match fees
$10 per week for A and B grade
$7 per week for C grade and all junior (under 18 at start of 2024) players
Pay Season 1 match fees in advance for a one week discount.
Subbing fee - normal match fee for your grade/juniors except if you are in a B grade team and you are subbing up to A grade or you are in a C grade team and you are subbing up to B grade the sub fee is $5.
All subs should be 2025 members. All subs in A and B grade should be registsred as Comp members (adult or concession comp or Gold).
Social and Senior members may sub in C grade only.
Upgrading from Social or Senior membership to either of the 2 Comp memberships is easily done by just paying the difference in membership fee. Ask Membership Secretary Ann Webb or email darwintta@gmail.com to get upgraded.