
Darwin Table Tennis Association Inc. is a long-standing sporting club that has existed since the 1960s! Today, the club consists of a committee, club members, seniors, juniors, coaches, and other casual players that all have something in common: enjoying the sport of table tennis!

You can find more information about our club, what’s on, Coaching and Competitions on our Club Noticeboard, and on our website and Facebook page:


Facebook: @darwintabletennis

Email: DarwinTTA@gmail.com

Want to join? Go to Membership to join online. Memberships start 1 January, and there is a pro-rata membership fee if you join after 1st July.

Social play and practice sessions are Mondays 7pm to 9pm and Thursdays 5pm to 7pm and Fridays 5pm to 7pm and Saturdays 4pm to 6pm. All members are welcome to these sessions. When it is busy, we run a 20min buzzer to ensure all players get a game. Our Sunday Sessions 4pm to 6pm for the public to try out table tennis and attend on a casual basis is also open to members.

Seniors Sessions are Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am to 11am. 

List of practice sessions

We run 2 competition seasons in the year in C grade on Tuesdays at 7pm and B grade (on Thursdays at 7pm) and A grade (Wednesdays 7pm). They run for 15 weeks. We put you in a team based on your standard of play and availability. You can be a substitute if you are not sure about committing to full season of 15 weeks and finals. Email darwintta@gmail.com if you are interested in playing in Comp. The Club Championship - the Darwin Closed - is held mid year and includes Open Singles, veterans events, Junior events and singles in B and C grades, and fun events.

Please see our Events Calendar at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/dtta/events/list/

Coaching is available for Juniors on Mondays 5.30pm to 7pm with accredited Level 1 coaches. There is some private coaching available.  Go to Training menu on this website for schedule of training/coaching. Go to Forms at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/dtta/documents/forms/ to download the Junior Coaching enrolment form.

Our President is Rodney Hee, Vice-President Emma Guo and other committee members are Secretary (vacant), Ann Webb (Treasurer, Website and Membership Secretary), Graham Symons (CEO of TTNT and President of TTA), Christine Marshall (Convenor of both C Grade and Seniors), Geni O’Brien (General Committee), Nick Pastrikos (Junior Coaching and General Committee). We are affiliated to Table Tennis NT and to Table Tennis Australia. 

Robert Ho produces our Club Newsletter and edits the DTTA Facebook page. 

Patti Brown looks after Club Security and Maintenance.

Our membership classes are:

  • Gold $400/y - includes Comp registration, match fees & entry to Darwin Open.
  • Adult Comp $130/y – entitles you to play Comp (weekly fees are extra) and to attend club practice sessions.
  • Concession Comp $100/y – entitles you to play Comp (weekly fees are extra) and to attend club practice sessions (this is for Juniors, Age & Disability Pension, full time uni students)
  • Social $200/y – entitles you to attend club practice sessions.
  • Seniors/Juniors not playing comp/Coaches/Officials $60/y (Seniors on Tuesdays/Thursdays 9am to 11am $5/visit) - Seniors can also attend club practice sessions.

Pro-rata memberships start on 1 July each year.

Our weekly Newsletter is at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/dtta/newsletter/

Information about Seniors Table Tennis is at https://www.revolutionise.com.au/dtta/seniors/


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