
Slay #514

Age: I am 37.

Occupation: I own a bakery.

Non-derby hobbies: Mostly just board games, a bit of art and craft.  I knit, sew, quilt, cross stitch.

Tell us about your derby name.  It was Princess Sleia. but now I just go by Slay. I wanted something that wasn’t actually my real name so that I could be a different person. I love Star Wars and my actual name means princess so it felt like it fitted. I'm just Slay now.  I never wanted to be called 'Princess' because that’s not the kind of person I am… but neither did Princess Leia!

What’s the story behind your number?  We used to be able to have letters in our numbers, so it was 514Y which spells... wait for it… SLAY!  So when they took the letters out I just dropped the y.

How did you discover roller derby? I felt like heading back to the 90’s and buying some skates (which, considering I didn’t really skate in the 90’s, is a little weird but anyway) and was googling and discovered there was a derby game that Saturday.  So I went and watched.  They had a person there saying ‘anyone can skate, come and learn’, so I did!  It was terrifying, I turned up to my first training, didn’t know anyone, they all knew each other and I was this weird person who didn’t really know who to talk to or what to do!

How long have you been with DPR? Since February 2019

What skating experience did you have when you joined? I hadn’t skated in 2 years before DPR due to injuries, but I was with Swan City Derby before that.  That’s really where I learnt how to play derby.  When I came to DPR I hadn’t really planned on playing again, I just wanted some regular exercise, and to skate. Skating is my happy place. But training with DPR made me remember how much I love the sport, the strategy, the skill and the connections with other people, and it made me want to play again!

What do you love about DPR… what keeps you here? The people. I’ve made some really great friends that I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

Favourite derby moment so far? Probably captaining the Swan City Derby co-ed team at our first Boom State Clash. So many endorphins after… never felt such a high! We lost, but we knew we would.  It was more about us playing together as a team in a real game.

Biggest obstacle you’ve overcome? Oh geez, shit’s getting real now! Probably the mental side. I actually find the sports psychology super interesting, not just in myself but in everyone around me too.  Trying to deal with my own self doubt about my abilities, believing that I don’t deserve to be on a team, not thinking that I’m actually any good at doing anything... not letting people know that’s how I feel!  I’m a firm believer in fake it til you make it, so I just pretend I’m the bees knees and hope no one can see through the facade!

What advice do you have for a new skater? Just keep practicing!  Hard work beats talent every day of the week.