Randy Bichova

# 55

Age: 39

Occupation: Stay at home supermum

Non-derby hobbies: Hiking, mountain biking, ramp skating on my new half pipe. All done with 4 kids in tow!

Tell us about your derby name.  There is always a little confusion with my derby name - you need to say it out loud and slowly. Ran-dy Bich-ova. Some people just think I’m a randy bitch!  It took a long, long time to come up with my derby name. I started with words that are associated with derby and full contact sports.

What’s the story behind your number? My birthday is the 5th.

How did you discover roller derby? I’m pretty sure I stumbled across something regarding the movie Whip It and was googling ‘roller derby in Perth’ before I had even seen the movie.  I dragged some friends with me to watch a WARD bout and was hooked immediately. I was just amazed at how badass everyone was. I come from an artistic skating background so a sport that incorporated skating and full contact was not something I could say no to.

How long have you been with DPR? I started with DPR in July 2018.  I joined at the same time as Kass.  I had harassed her for many years to join derby.  When I transferred to DPR, she was ready to sign up!

What skating experience did you have when you joined? I’d skated with WARD on and off while having babies since 2010.  I did do artistic skating in my youth for a number of years, competing at a state level when I was 8 or 9 years old. But I stopped skating after that and with the exception of social skating in my teens, didn’t put on skates again until derby.

What do you love about DPR… what keeps you here? I love how welcoming and supportive everyone within the DPR family is. The friendships I have made through DPR are some of my closest friends now. The beautiful sense of community fills me with warm fuzzies. 

Favourite derby moment so far? Derby road trips all over WA… all the laughs, chats, room shares and hangs with my teamies. I love how the family comes to watch if we play local but I also totally treasure my mummy time out when I train and play derby away.

Biggest obstacle you’ve overcome? My biggest obstacle has probably been related to confidence and putting myself outside my comfort zone. I was never the sporty kid at school and would do anything to avoid PE. I love that with derby it doesn’t matter what skills you begin with. I have found that I am so much more capable and badass than I ever thought I was. Being a bigger girl and being seen as an asset has definitely helped with my confidence.

What advice do you have for a new skater? Don't let your brain play tricks on you. You are better than you think.