
# 191

Age: Level 38 (I level up each year)

Occupation: Work as supervisor for a disability support organisation

Non-derby hobbies: I don't have time with work, two young kiddies and a house full of animals! We try to go off-road in my 4x4 and in summer we go to the drag racing. I do have a motorbike that I like to look at until I get time to ride

Tell us about your derby name. The Mac is from my grandad, he was a Scotsman from Glasgow.  He died when I was 15 but we were pretty close when I was younger.  And the madness is just a part of me!

What’s the story behind your number? It was a number I chose based on numerology and the significance to me personally. It’s also different to most others too which is always a bonus.

How did you discover roller derby? I started working with Uni.  She was a skater, she informed me of this amazing sport and the rest is history!  It took no convincing at all. She told me she did it and I was there a week later!

How long have you been with DPR? 4 years now, but obviously a year out for bub.

What skating experience did you have when you joined? I skated as a kid for fun, lots. Living near the beach as an adult, I decided I wanted skates to skate the foreshores. My darling hubby bought me some. Then fell pregnant and didn’t skate again until I started with DPR.

What do you love about DPR… what keeps you here? The team – they are a fantastic bunch of people and I have made some great friends. It’s always been something I’ve done for me too… It keeps me strong mentally and physically.  It's social time, fitness and me time, all in one.

Favourite derby moment so far? I’ve really enjoyed this year and all the travelling to games (my two favourite things: camping in my retro caravan and derby).  I took the caravan to Albany and Dongara.  Having the caravan means my family get to come and support me doing something I love and that makes me happy, but it's also family time.

Biggest obstacle you’ve overcome? I found it easy coming back after bub because I was still in contact throughout, coaching fresh etc.  There are still off-skates or ref roles, so everyone can be included.  However, it can be daunting thinking about the loss of skills during that time. But derby was always for me and I knew I had the support to achieve and get to where I wanted to be.  I like to do what makes me happy, life’s too short not to!

What advice do you have for a new skater? The hardest part is taking the first step of something new, but now you have done that you can start recognising your achievements as you progress through each stage. And never compare yourself to anyone else; everyone takes their own journey through derby.