Dragons Water Polo Club Cherry Fundraiser


Sun 29 Oct 2023 00:00 — Thu 30 Nov 2023 17:00

Event information

This event has passed.

Order your cherries now

2kg - $5 or 5kg - $75

The actual cherry varieties delivered will depend on which varieties have ripened in early December and that depends on the weather.

Normally they are Rons or Lapins cherries, delivered from Young.

- Rons cherries are a large heart-shaped variety with black slightly thick skins and juicy deep red flesh.

- Lapins cherries are a heart-shape variety, with a dark red skin and firm golden flesh.

Orders close: Thursday 30 November

Collection: Sunday, 10 December (Location TBC)

Payment: Electronc Funds Transfer

Bank account name: Dragons Water Polo Club

BSB: 062921

Account No.: 10008457

Please inlcude your name in the bank refernce and email gdwpcommittee@gmail.com with your receipt.

Without your name and emails we will not know who the cherries belong to.

Dragons Cherry Fundraiser poster



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