Term 3 Lesson Bookings
Now Open!

Click here to book your lessons!




One hour Come N' Try diving lesson 

If you are keen to give diving a go but would like to try it first before signing up for term classes, book in to our children's Come n' Try diving or Masters trial lesson via our

Events page 

Come n' Try diving: Sunday 9:00 - 10:00 am

Masters diving (over 18): Wednesday 6 - 7 pm


Upcoming Competitions

Diving SA Term Championships 

2024 Term 2 Championships: June 28 & 29

Other Competitions

2024 Australian Open Championships inc Nomination Trials: 6-9 June

Diving SA Newsletters

View our 2024 newsletter updates to find out more about what has been happening in the world of diving.

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

School Holiday Diving Program 

Term 3 Holiday Diving Program TBC.

