Discover Sailing - Try Racing


Thu 10 Mar 2022 17:00 — 20:00
Australian Sailing - 1. Discover Sailing Experience - Keelboat

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

Why not try sailing under our new "Try Racing" course!!

Under the Discover Sailing Experience come and enjoy the magic of the River Derwent aboard the DSS training yacht and experience sailing during a Thursday evening Twilight race . The twilight race introduces the exciting sport of sailing in a safe and controlled way, with a qualified instructor.

It is a great way to meet new friend and have fun on the water. Session starts at 5pm with a short safety briefing, explanation of the basic parts of the yacht, quick training session, twilight race, meal, and drinks at hosting club.

  • Experience twilight race
  • Learn basics of racing
  • Suitable for beginners

The post Christmas Try Sailing experience is available every Thursday evening from January to March 2022. Under this Discover Sailing course, participants can register for up to 3 sessions during this period.

Course Prerequisites

Water confident.

Who should do this course?

This course is designed for participants who wish to begin sailing in a keelboat. Learn the basics, whilst staying relatively dry! All the equipment and gear will be provided by your accredited Discover Sailing Centre.


$20 per race.

Fitness and experience

  • No sailing experience is required, this experience is suitable for all.
  • Few fitness/ability requirements apply but you should be able to board and disembark the vessel unaided.

What to bring/Wear

  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Wear non-marking, soft soled, enclosed shoes, e.g boat shoes, sneakers/runners
  • Be sun smart and bring a hat/cap, sunglasses, and sunscreen.
  • An inflatable PFD yoke and harness is provided.



Experience Overview

This course is for participants keen to experience what keelboat sailing is about.

Course Prerequisites


Who should do this course?

This is the perfect 'taster' for anyone who wants to discover sailing for the first time. This is the perfect introduction and can be the ideal way for you to begin your sailing journey, without having to commit to a full training course.

Course Outcome

Following the course, you will receive a completion certificate.