Match Racing Series


Sat 08 Jun 2024 09:00 — Sun 04 Aug 2024 18:00
See all dates

Event information

Races are approximately 15 minutes duration on a windward leeward course, with the windward mark being rounded to starboard. Generally, races are two laps. The matches are umpired on water, including any protests, so the winner is known at the conclusion of racing.

Match racing is great for sharpening boat handling and team skills as well as improving tactical awareness and rules knowledge, plus the short race format and mixing with other teams can be a lot of fun.


This season’s program will be:

  • Thursday May 30th Information evening Start: 1915hrs All are welcome.
  • Saturday June 8th Day 1 DSC Match Racing Briefing 0900
  • Saturday July 20th Day 2 DSC Match Racing Briefing 0900

These days are stand alone events. Members are invited to enter either, or both.

  • Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th August Northern Territory Match Racing Championships

The club match racing days will be a round robin format, with each team competing against all the other teams. If time allows there may be a final, with the first team to gain 2 points being the winner.

Racing is governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing. Appendix C (Match Racing) outlines the changes to the racing rules.

The NT Championships will be a Multi Stage event:

  • Stage 1: Round Robin
  • Stage 2: Semi Finals
  • Stage 3: Finals
  • Petit Finals deciding 3rd and 4th -first team to two points
  • Finals deciding 1st and 2nd - first team to three points.


20 July - Skipper Entry

20 July - Crew Entry

Notice of Race

Sailing Instructions - Available at briefing (Note: Sailing Instructions cannot be finalised until after the close of entries.)





Racing Rules of Sailing

Match Racing Call Book (interpretations of the match racing rules) :[27145].pdf

Videos Dave Perry start commentary: RHKYC

Match racing seminar: (this one is about an hour but quite good.)

Match Racing Top Tips:

Start tips:

Match Race start

There are many other Youtube videos covering match racing. The World Match Tour, Governor’s Cup (youth event hosted by Balboa YC), CYCA hosted the world youth MR championships last December etc.