Safety and Sea Survival


Saturday August 25th: 8am-6pm Sunday August 26th: 8am-12pm
Australian Sailing - Safety & Sea Survival

Course information

Registrations for this course are closed.

SSS Certificate

The certificate awarded meets the eligibility requirements of section 6.01 of the World Sailing Offshore Special Regulations for Category 0, 1 and some Category 2 offshore races.

Course Synopsis

This course assists owners and/or their representatives to understand their responsibilities, and helps skippers and crew develop and practice strategies and procedures to prevent and address emergencies at sea. The course was developed by Australian Sailing (Yachting Australia) to provide survival training for Offshore Sailors. It is mandatory for 50% of crew in Category 1 Offshore Races and is highly recommended for sailors in Category 2 events. Blue water cruisers will also benefit greatly from the training. If you are considering competing in any Category 1 or 2 yacht races, you should consider this course as a standard component of your on-going skills development.

"The safety of a boat and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the owner, or owner's representative who must do their best to ensure that the boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who are physically fit to face bad weather. He must be satisfied as to the soundness of hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear. He must ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used."

What you will learn:

  • To assist offshore skippers and crews in developing awareness of respective responsibilities.
  • To offer and discuss practical strategies for coping with emergencies at sea.
  • To familiarize skippers and crews with safety and emergency equipment, its purpose, deployment, and use.
  • The Safety and Sea Survival course is a practical and theoretical course which should be completed over a period of at least 16 hours (2 full days).
  • The course is taught by Pacific Sailing School's  qualified instructors.
  • All course participants undergo both theory and practical assessment. You will need to show your skill or "competence" in certain practical aspects of the syllabus as well as pass a written theory examination.

Course Overview

The Safety & Sea Survival (SSS) course involves classroom presentations & learning activities, and practical exercises in the use of liferafts, inflatable lifejackets & distress flares.  Of 16 hrs duration the course is usually delivered over 2 full-days and is facilitated by Safety & Sea Survival Instructors at approved Training Centres. The maximum teaching ratio for this course is 20 students to 1 SSS Instructor (in the classroom) with a reduced ratio of 10:1 for pool sessions.  Practical exercises are usually conducted in heated public swimming pools, but may be conducted in clean and enclosed salt-water pools and Marinas providing the water is clean, the temperature is at least 15oC, and all associated risks have been managed.

Course Prerequisites


Who should do this course?

This Course assists offshore skippers and crews in developing awareness of respective responsibilities. To offer and discuss practical strategies for coping with emergencies at sea. To familiarise skippers and crews with safety and emergency equipment, its purpose, deployment, and use. This course is also suitable for cruisers or those wanting to learn more about safety on the water.

Course Outcome

You will gain a Safety and Sea Survival Qualification Certificate as required for Category 1 and Category 2 races. This certificate is valid for 5 years from the date of the course.