End of Season Working Bee


Sat 29 Oct 2022 07:00 — 11:00

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.


Saturday October 29


Mary Woodrow:

Clean hull – (Anti-foul prep by Gerny and scaper)

Remove flags, cushions etc out to Yacht Shop shed for wet season storage.

Check condition of removed items for repairs needed.

Clean interior, sinks, cupboards etc and vacume carpets

Boat Ramps:

Clean away rubbish, vegetation and sand from the ramps.

Ambon Room:

Clean, restock & prepare BBQ boxes for next season

Tidy up other items laying around in Ambon Room

Remove all items due to expire between now and May 2023. Wipe shelves

OBP grounds & fence:

Place loose items in corner compound area  – remove rubbish

Trailers rusting to be chopped up & dumped - Spot #64

IBP grounds & fence:

General tidy & rubbish removal


Laundry tidy up / organise                                                                         

Sailing Tower                                           

Clean around the outside ground area

Donnie’s Den - No volunteers required

Tractor storage - No volunteers required

Green shed - No volunteers required

RHIB storage - No volunteers required

Yacht Shop - No volunteers required