
Season Calendar is available in a downloadable format at bottom of page .

Please Note - dates may be Subject to Change, keep an eye on this page & events page for up to date information.

Important Dates 

End of Season Presentations
Tuesday 10th September 2024

5:30pm Tiny Tots

6.00pm 6+ to adults

Regular Training

Tiny Tots is a play based format that offers an introduction to athletics

6+ age groups will focus on a couple of different track and field events each session (Sprints, middle distance, jumps & throws)

Regular club competiiton nights are listed on the events page and these are an opportunity to prepare for Athletics NT Competitions.

Age Group Day of the Week Training Time
AWD Friday 5:30 to 6:30pm
Tiny Tots Tuesday 5:30 to 6:15pm
6 to 11 Years Tuesday and Friday 5:30 to 6:30pm
12+ and Adults Tuesday and Friday 5:30 to 6:30pm


Files available for download

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