
DA Gold Coast (Pink Dragons)


Club Crew World Championships

Published Sat 11 May 2024

Hello to all senior C Women paddlers, DAGC has qualified for CCWC to be held in Ravenna Italy from the 3rd to 8th of September.

Entries close next week, before opening up to other clubs we need to know who from DAGC is available for this team, please add your name to event before midnight Sunday night.

We have accomodation on hold and a suggested budget is as follows:

Flights into Zurich (depending where you fly into) from  $2,200

Accommodation                                                 $250

Transport for event                                            $300

Team accommodation                                       $700

Registration                                                         $250

Meals etc $100 a day                                        $1,400

Approx but its a start                                        $5,220

Of course there is a lot more to throw around, which will be covered in follow-up meetings. What we need to know before continuing is do we have a competative team?