
DA Canberra to paddle in Florence

Published Sat 16 Jun 2018

DA Canberra is preparing to paddle in Florence at the IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival in Florence, Italy in July 2018.

"The IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival is held every four years under the auspices of the International Breast Cancer Paddler’s Commission. The Festival is an international non-competitive participatory event targeting Breast Cancer Survivors teams who engage in Dragon Boat activities as post-operative rehabilitation. Born from the idea of a Canadian sports medicine physician, Doctor Don McKenzie about twenty years ago, Dragon Boat paddling has become a rehabilitation therapy for tens of thousands of men and women world who have undergone surgery." Source:

Pictured below are some members of the Florence team in the parade shirt designed by Richie Allan, Cultural Director of the Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation. We thank the Allan family for their generous support in the design of our parade shirt for the IBCPC Florence event.

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