Dragons Abreast Canberra

Dragons Abreast Canberra celebrates our 25th anniversary in 2024! Dragons Abreast Canberra was the second DAA team in Australia, commencing paddling in 1999. Our original team name was "Tickled Pink" but was changed to "GoAnna" in 2012 in honour of our founder Anna Wellings-Booth. We continue to grow in numbers each year and some of our original paddlers are still active members. 

We have competed in the International Breast Cancer Paddling Commission events for breast cancer survivors in Caloundra, Australia; Peterborough, Canada; Sarasota, Florida; Florence, Italy; and most recently in April 2023 at IBCPC Dragon Boat Festival Lake Karapiro, Cambridge, NZ.

But competition is not our only interest! We have a variety of social activities and simply enjoy paddling on our beautiful Lake Burley Griffin. Our "GoAnna's Gathering" (gathering of members with dinner and short program of fun) is a social highlight each year. The DA Canberra Annual Social and Corporate Regatta continues to be a very successful community event raising awareness of breast cancer in the Canberra region through the sport of dragon boat racing.

We have two boats, a 20 seater named "GoAnna II", and a baby 10-seater boat called "Gecko". We paddle regularly three times a week throughout the year, despite Canberra's cold winters, and compete regularly in the local ACT and NSW regattas, as well as overseas.

Recovering from breast cancer? Come and try dragon boating with Dragons Abreast Canberra for fitness, fun and camaraderie.  For anyone who is a breast cancer survivor, or a supporter of a breast cancer survivor. 9.00-11.00 am Saturday 31 August 2024 · Read more
Narelle Powers Coaches Award for 2024 presented on Saturday 27 April 2024 to Shelley Owens. · Read more
In the Year of the Dragon, and our Silver Anniversary get your cuppa ready to read another another extraordinary edition of Abreast of the News coordinated by Kerrie Griffin. · Read more
Come and try dragon boating with Dragons Abreast Canberra
Sat 31 Aug 2024 09:00 — 11:00
Grevillea Park, Menindee Drive, Barton
Recovering from breast cancer? Come and try dragon boating with Dragons Abreast Canberra for fitness, fun and camaraderie. For anyone who is a breast cancer survivor, or a supporter of a breast cancer survivor. 9.00-11.00 am Saturday 31 August 2024
25th Anniversary Social & Corporate Regatta
Sat 23 Nov 2024 07:00 — 14:00
Grevillea Park, Menindee Drive, Barton
Lights! Camera! Action! Gather your mates for a dragon boat race! Dress up, decorate your team tent and win some fun prizes on this movie-themed morning.
25th Anniversary Celebration Evening
Sat 23 Nov 2024 19:00 — 22:00
Canberra Southern Cross Yacht Club
Join us to celebrate 25 years of Dragons Abreast Canberra at the Southern Cross Yacht Club - 7pm on Saturday 23 November.

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