
CYSM Sea Dragons


Sweeping 101

Published Sat 07 Jan 2017

Many thanks to Shirleen Ho from DSA Dragon Boat club in Sydney who came down to Melbourne this week on holidays, ate and paddled with us during the week and gave up a very warm Saturday afternoon to run a sweep workshop for the team. A very experienced dragon boater and NSW state team sweep, she offered nuggets to our novice and developing club sweeps and provided valuable theoretical and practical insights in the "classroom", off and on the water.

Shirleen giving some theory.

Participants of the afternoon sweep workshop with Shirleen.

The lesson learnt: Appreciate your club sweeps, they make it look easy!! Give it a go yourself and practise, practise, practise!!

Some comments from those who participated about the workshop.

Fung Lay: Great sweep session this afternoon with you Shirleen Ho. Appreciate your efforts in running the workshop and in giving us your insights. Thanks club sweeps, you make it look easy, especially after giving it a go myself. Lots of practice ahead :)

Vicky Chung: Thanks Shirleen for spending your Saturday morning & afternoon with the Sea Dragons. I would have never have had the confidence to have given sweeping a go. Got so much out of it. I won't forget these commands "...left me" & "...right away" :) Will look for new non slip footwear. Thanks Jack Chui & the committee as well for putting this together!


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