
CYSM Sea Dragons


Reflections from regatta first timers

Published Mon 28 Nov 2016

A few words from some of our members experiencing competition for the first time at the Ballarat Springfest regatta 2016. We think that they've been truly bitten by the dragon and are inducted converts to this sport that we all love!

Racing for the first time


"Last Sunday, I participated in my first dragon boat regatta! It was a really gratifying experience. Being able to see all of our efforts through the year materialize in less than 60 seconds is breathtaking. All the adrenaline, your heart beating at 200 beats per second and 20 souls paddling in unison blends together in such a way that it makes you forget everything and to focus only on one thing, to get to the finish line first!

We competed against all the other teams, side by side, and gave it our all on the water. The 2km sweep race is something that I will never forget, paddling a few centimetres from other boats, overtaking and doing sharp turns it was exhilarating!

This weekend we were able to get four trophies to our collection! I have to thank our coach Joe and our captains Carlos and Cathy, to push us harder every day to train hard and to achieve more. Our sweeps (Jack, Tony, Carol) and drummers (Trish, Crispy) did a phenomenal jobs also. 

Great job guys! Lets keep the momentum going and lets get ready for the next race!"


Sue P

"After joining the team in January of this year, the time has finally has come for me to compete in my first dragon boat regatta. I didn't know what I was getting myself into or what to expect, but it definitely exceeded any expectations I would have had. I was very nervous hoping I would not let the team down on the day but everyone was so supportive and encouraging that I forgot about the nerves after the first race.

I was amazed we got 3rd place in every category that we competed in and I truly believe that 1st place will not be too far off into the future and could be as close as this season!

I love being in this team because of the enthusiasm and energy the members of Team CYSM Sea Dragons brings and shares, however stressful a day you've had. You'll forget that within seconds of being in contact with them. Finally, the one thing I've learnt - you'll never go home hungry because this team's catering is AMAZING! I think every competitor walking past wishes they were in this team when it's lunch time."



"This is my first race and we won trophies in all of the categories entered (200 m Mixed, Opens, Women's & 2 km Sweeps race). Both the sport and the team mean a lot to me and have taught me to love, to enjoy and to be a better self." 


...and from a non-first timer ;)


"I'm back in the game! 

Just got back into training a few months ago after long rest from shoulder injury. I initially did not want to race in the Ballarat Regatta. Felt like I needed to be better and stronger first as I did not want to let the team down. With some (a lot actually) persuasion, encouragement and push from Captain Carlos, I signed up. I am glad I did. We won third placing in all the 4 categories we took part in. (Had a little emo moment as I know the team had worked hard for this...*choke*) 

I get this opportunity to look back at my performance and work on improving myself to be better at the next race. Sweet way to start the season!"


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