
CYSM Sea Dragons


Reducing waste at regattas

Published Thu 16 Mar 2017

Ever wondered how much plastic and paper are wasted during outdoor events? Specifically single-use/disposable cutlery, plates, coffee cups & water bottles - much of which ultimately ends up in landfill or in the ocean. Often lots of uneaten cooked food goes into the bin too! Here are some tips from enviro-conscious Tina Wee on how we can help reduce waste this coming VicChamps!


  • Bring your own food containers and cutlery, instead of using disposal ones

  • ​​​​​Bring a travel mug or even a regular mug for your takeaway coffee/tea

  • Bring your own drinking bottle to refill water

  • Bring spares in case your friends forget!


  • Consider the number of servings. Make less than you think you need to. If everyone in the team brings perishable food, chances are most will go into the bin.

  • Have a list of what people are making or bringing, or assign people to prepare a few items.

  • Consider preparing/bringing food that can sustain longer hours out and can be taken home. For example, less food with egg-based dressings, less fried/oily food, more snacks like nuts, muesli bars, protein balls, dried fruits (dates, sultanas, apricot).

  • Think about using raw ingredients rather than from cans.

  • If you make fruits/vege salad, avoid ingredients that can go bad/ferment/soggy easily (e.g. watermelon). Better to just bring a variety of fruits as-is.

  • Serve in reusable crockery, containers or serving platters.

  • Bring spare food containers in case there are leftovers so you can take some home.

  • Store food properly. Keep high risk items in cool boxes filled with ice packs.

  • Keep the packaging that food came in (e.g. lids to containers so you can cover it back if not finished).

Others little things you can do:

  • Carry your items in reusable bags instead of plastic bags.

  • If you use plastic bags, take them home with you to reuse.

  • Do not dispose the box packages in garbage bins. If there is no recycle bins, take it home to throw into your recycle bin.

  • Share a paper napkin (if you have to use it). Split half with a friend. Your mouth isn't that big to need a whole piece.

Let's play our part to protect our world and preserve for generations to come. A little bit of effort can go a long way.

#bringyourowncutlery #byo #seadragongoesgreen #iwillmaketheeffort #makeachange #makethisabetterplace #healtheworld


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