
CYSM Sea Dragons


Our Auroras

Published Tue 15 Nov 2022

As a club, we cannot be prouder than when our members take their paddling to the next level. Through a gruelling selection process and months of training, commitment (on and off the water) and sacrifice, a select few gain the hard-earned opportunity to represent Australia on the international stage. Together, they form the elite national 'Auroras' squad.

A huge congratulations to the latest Sea Dragons to don the green and gold: Connie Li, Kenneth Jin, Steven Nguyen, Adrian Yip, Melissa Tan and Chris Phoumsavanh. They will join with the rest of the Auroras and will shortly be competing at the 14th Asian Dragon Boat Championships in Pattaya, Thailand (16-22 November 2022).

CYSM Auroras 2022

Have a safe and awesome time in Thailand. Be proud of what you have achieved to date and the hard work and effort you have put in to represent the country 🇦🇺. You have made this club super proud to be your peers, teammates and friends. Now go and soak up this amazing experience and come back with your head held high.
All the best!

#dragonboat #Auroras #elitesport #nationalteam #AusDBF #DBV #championships #greenandgold #success


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