
CYSM Sea Dragons


Kai Lin regales his first regatta experience

Published Sun 12 Feb 2017

I can’t believe that it has only been 7 weeks since I started dragon boating, but boy has it flown by quickly! Why exactly did I join dragon boating?

For most of my life, I have been fixated on solo sports (hey I like my alone time…) such as golfing, swimming, jogging and cycling. However, I wanted some change and sought after a team sport. AFL and soccer were never really my thing, but fortunately I stumbled across dragon boating while browsing online. I looked up clubs on DBV, went through a few of their websites and CYSM Sea Dragons really stood out. I puckered up the courage to go to one of the come and try sessions and I was immediately hooked by the energetic, bubbly and inclusive team! 

Our team has trained very hard in the past few weeks and I was lucky enough to have witnessed our fierce team spirit at my first ever regatta (CNY Regatta). I am proud to say that the CYSM Sea Dragons managed to come 3rd in all categories (open, womens and mixed)! Additionally, Cindy, Da and I raced in the under 24s (Rapids) group and somehow came 2nd! It was truly astonishing how a group of youngsters were able to work together so cohesively with no practice at all. It just goes to show you how much of a team sport dragon boating is. If you haven’t already tried it, I encourage you to give it a go, you will not regret it.

Kai Lin


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