
CYSM Sea Dragons


Justin Nguyen regales his first regatta experience

Published Thu 02 Nov 2017

Still air greeted the start of the day for the Melbourne Cup Regatta. Clear skies and warm weather promised an enjoyable and exciting day of paddling. Experiencing a regatta for the first time, there was a degree of trepidation, nerves and excitement as every moment throughout the day was a new experience to absorb.

The lead in to each race began with warm ups and race formations. Relaxed faces and smiles throughout each of these moments, a dichotomy to the furious intensity that was to greet each paddler a few moments later. By the time the race starts began the wind had picked up and boat manoeuvres became crucial, a credit to all sweeps involved for managing this under the pressure of competition.

The starts were mesmerising. Pure, unadulterated focus. For 20 people, every action and reaction geared only towards one goal. A desire and focus forged through the crucible of competition. I loved every moment of it. The start and finish of each race was a blur. The only clear memory being the ferocious paddling and adrenaline that lined each race.

Each division delivered great results for the day and though strong winds halted the Regatta, credit should be given for each person who paddled for the effort put in.

From my 2nd training session in this sport I concluded that timing trumps all things. To work together and forgo individuality for the benefit of the team. We either rise together or fall together. Ultimately, comradery and the desire to sacrifice for others in the boat is what will drive success.

I’m looking forward to the remainder of the season and what we can achieve in the ensuing months! 


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