
CYSM Sea Dragons


Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival Diary: 7-13th June

Published Mon 13 Jun 2016

The following is a running diary of the adventures of Team CYSM Sea Dragons at the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival 2016 - on and off the water. Watch a video wrap-up of the event.

13th June 2016 (final entry)

Last treats

Last few hours in Hong Kong for Vix.

Off to ride the Peak Tram with Meng, Crispy and Thi. Stopping off for matcha ice cream from McDonalds & Doraemon : )


Chum Chum explores Hong Kong further ...with his trusty cameras

"I see you in #upsidedown #hongkong" - Chum Chum

Something from China News that features a snippet of us!

KopyKat, Cindy and Vix ready to head back to Melbourne ...and they're off

Night life

The boys enjoy a nice meal and some nice views from above ...a laser light show to boot!

A hot picture

A memorable picture of Moffat with his usb-powered fan

"Best AUD2 I ever spent" - Moffat

"Such a princess : )" - Chum Chum 

Note: Not sure if Moffat is going to be happy leaving the hot and humid conditions of HK for the dreary and cold embrace of Melbourne.


Webmaster: It has been a pleasure to share/stalk the adventures of the Hong Kong crew and to document it in this way. 

The news was deliberately communicated by those on the ground (thank goodness for Sea Dragons News whatsapp) 

...or by spies (Mon's team in Hong Kong) 

...or stolen from the open forum better known as Facebook for the greater benefit and amusement of all ; )

Thank you Hong Kong crew!

Sadly, all things come to a close.

On a happier note, the whole team reunites next Saturday on Victoria Harbour (the one in Docklands, Melbourne) ...for what will surely be a celebration!!




12th June 2016

Check out

It's been great. 

Cat's flying out today.
Trish and her sister are off to South Korea tomorrow.
Vix, Cindy and KopyKat flying out tomorrow evening....

Evening fun


11th June 2016

Fun day

There's a bit of a drizzle in Hong Kong, as there is in Melbourne today ...but we all get out into it 'cos nothing stops us from our dragon boat fix.

We catch up with Philbert, a former Sea Dragons captain from way back (and relative of Uncle Bill's).

Meanwhile ...Chum Chum woeing the ladies of Hong Kong ; )

Our friends at Team Mushu getting ready to race

Charity run

Sea Dragons do their bit for charity ...entering the 100m machine dash 


Sea Dragons make final of the San Miguel Dry Land Dragon Boat Challenge....

Mango is set as drummer ...and we're off!!

Presentation time ...we came second!!

Is Team Mushu celebrating own win also?!  ; )

...and the trophy is totally awesome!!

Happy photo with Team Mushu

Enjoying the rest of the night

Bedtime story

Vix and KopyKat was given a bedtime story  of The Three Bears by Cindy. Vix thinks Cindy is a great story teller!!


10th June 2016

Race day

The crew manifest

Getting ready to head out ...on the DB bus

Race venue

Parading Aussie pride at the venue

Purpose-construction for dragon boat racing indeed

Regrouping after our first practise session

Views of the regatta course showing the barges that help with the tide

Met members of Team Mushu

Ready to race

Loading the boat for the 10s open race.

boat loading

Incidentally, racing on Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong ...versus home water at Victoria Harbour, Docklands
...so same same but so different!

And we're racing

Thanks to Trishy's sis and Mon's HK friends for snapping photos of the team.


9th June 2016

Disneyland and Exploring!

Today we will be splitting into two groups. Half of the team will visit our friends from Team Mushu at Disneyland, while the second group will explore Hong Kong, do shopping and... Eating!!

Our friends from Team Mushu met us at the entrance of Disneyland!!
Raissa and Oshi: Looking forward to seeing them performing on the stage and at the races!!

Dragon boat action

Chum Chum checks out the venue ahead of the team's races tomorrow (vintage camera in tow of course) ...and admires the HUGE billboard promoting dragon boat!!

Kitkat checks out dragon boating in Aberdeen from a birdseye vantage point ...and watching as a 50s boat is offloaded.

Of course, she is eating her way through Hong Kong and perhaps food blogging

Team dinner

Bonding over a meal ...nothing changes ; )


8th June 2016

In flight

Supper at 12:50am 8/6/16 Melb time on Cathay flight CX178 ...and breakfast this morning


Safely on ground ...and in transit to accommodation

on the ground in HK

Warm hotel welcome to dragon boat teams.


What has Cat been up to? Dragon boat fashion ..."It involves sleeves so no" - Cat

DB fashion

Race schedule

What is to come...

Race draw

A group of Sea Dragons will also be participating in the San Miguel 4th Dry Lane Dragon Boat Challenge.
See the HKCDBA website for more details of races and draws.

Food glorious food

"Had goose yesterday and Tim Ho Wan Monday! Desserts! Food is awesome but trying to be very good! Been going to the gym every morning before work too." - Cat 
(You see, Cat has been able to transfer her work to the HK office while she is there - how fortunate)

First team meal. We need a translator. Who reads chinese? ...Meng and Cindy are onto it.

First team meal 

"Hong Kong is hot, humid and cheap" - Carlos
Unlike Melbourne right now

At the street market in Mongkok.
Team is not allowed to eat street food before race ...and by team, we mean Benny. 

Medicinal herbal tea tasting. Healthy stuff!

Aussie people are not so used to the asian heat, as judged by Captain.

Benny's idea of happiness. 
We all knew that keeping him away from food was never going to be an option.

"Mmmm, I wonder what I should try next. I have a hole in my belly, I have not eaten in like 10 minutes at least" - Benny

Eric, Benny and Meng having a snack 5 minutes before lunch ...while the rest of the team was deciding where to eat!!!!

Lunch time!!!!

Daddy jokes are not appreciated in Hong Kong either :-( Mango is not happy.

Met up with Kit Kat briefly.
She left us for ice cream 5 minutes later and kidnapped Meng.

"I'm missing the greens in my food ...on the hunt for Snoopy things" - Vix 


Tai Wo Hau Station is the closest MTR train station to the Dorsett Hotel where the team is staying. Take Exit B. People are prepared to line up for a while to access the lift to save a few stairs ....we don't do that! 

train home to base

Rest time

Triple room = 3 single beds 
"Sadly the mirror is out of my sight due to my height :( ...on the upside, the mirror in the foyer fixes that :)" - Vix

The rest of the team arrive, including Coach Joe, Connie (team's race manager) and John. We're even joined by Trish's sister! :)


7th June 2016

Check out highlights from last year's Hong Kong Dragon Boat Carnival

Weather check

It looks like we will be having all kinds off weather - sun, rain, thunderstorms - it's going to be a wet week...

First arrivals

A few Sea Dragons traveled in advance in order to scout out the venue for the main expedition... and they found funky Melbourne weather.


First Impressions

Our captain is already having adventures ... with automatic pancake machines

Meanwhile ...

Mo-Phat is afraid of crowds and KT is busy food-blogging from one of the exclusive Hong Kong coffee shops: Gloria Jeans.

How's this for a comparison? Us on home waters at the Docklands and Hong Kong with its own star (photo by Cat, taken from her desk in her HK office) where the competition is set to take place.

On the way

The main group shipping out from Melbourne Airport and adventure bound.

Team CYSM bound for Hong Kong


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