
CYSM Sea Dragons


A weekend's analysis: training camp

Published Sun 18 Sep 2016

This past weekend, the CYSM Sea Dragons held a weekend training camp where we were able to focus a little more time analysing and putting into practise good dragon boat techniques, ably assisted with multiple action cameras and “Fei-Fei” the drone. 

On the Saturday, we spent time discussing the finer details of the stroke and body positioning. This was followed by an on-water session, at the pontoon and in open water, where the executed techniques of individual paddlers was captured from the side, front and above. 

Drone view

On the Sunday, the coaches went further into the biomechanics of the dragon boat paddle technique, they defined the escalating scales of paddler output and the physics of boat movement. We also discussed the importance and attributes of "physical" and "mental", aspects critical to ‘thinking and acting like a champion athlete’.

Weekend training camp, September 2016

Video review of Saturday’s water session gave us an opportunity to comment and give constructive critique of each others paddling technique. Two further water sessions with video allowed each paddler to consciously focus on one or two aspects for improvement. 

A big thank you to coaches Joe and Phil who put a lot of effort into the content of the weekend’s training camp. The sessions were enriched by the availability of video footage so thank you to all our videographers (including the coaches, Sheryl, Mango, Tina, Oana and drone pilot Eric). Lastly, thank you to all who participated to make it a very worthwhile experience. Let’s think and act like champions, by putting in the commitment and hours required to hone our craft. See you at training next week!

Photos and videos from the camp to appear soon.

Note to members (login required): The slide presentation & video analytics will be available soon for your review.

- Fung Lay


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