
CYSM Sea Dragons


A new L2 sweep accredited

Published Sun 25 Sep 2016

Congratulations to Sui Lay who has been a trainee club sweep and who has now received his Level 2 sweep credentials at a DBV sweeps accreditation course on Saturday 24 September 2016.

This means that he has learnt and practiced the necessary skills to sweep a dragon boat safely and effectively in a training environment.

Accreditation consisted of:

  • Completing 10 hours on-water training with an experienced sweep (minimum Level 3) prior to attending a Level 2 Sweeps Course
  • Completing a written exam
  • Undertaking an on-water practical assessment

Photo: Trainers and participants in the DBV L2 sweeps accreditation course.
Cat, Cindy, Oana and Fung were volunteer paddlers for their on-water practical assessment.


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