
CYSM Sea Dragons


A lot can happen in a year

Published Sat 04 Mar 2017

Some words of encouragement from a first race season paddler.

"I joined the team not having any expectations, thought it was just going to be a casual work out once a week. Boy did that turn out to be the wrong assumption! I certainly never in my dreams thought in 12 months time I would be racing and stroking for the club and also be selected to be a part of the state team as well! That achievement was certainly not on my own. It's thanks to the motivations and energy that you all bring which motivated me to train harder and be proud to be part of this team each week. Especially thanks to Cath and Carlos, Siu and Tina for their support, advice and believing in me.

A lot of you in the team are more experienced and stronger paddlers than I. So if you want it enough I do think we have a chance to win the gold. For the next lot of newbies, my advice is to have fun and enjoy each week without putting too much pressure on yourselves as I know mentally it can be too easy to put ourselves down. I can say that because I've been there too.

Electricity wasn't invented in a day, your muscles and technique won't be perfect in a day. As long as you turn up and train every week, you are already halfway there to being stronger and better and not long, you too can be part of the state or national team if you want it enough! Now let's finish with an awesome race season! 😁"

- Sue Phung


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