
CYSM Sea Dragons


2018 Victoria State Team

Published Fri 23 Feb 2018

CYSM Sea Dragons did not go from being a social club to a competitive club in a day, not even after one season. It has taken the good part of 3 years for paddlers to step up to the challenge of competing at the next level, the State level.

In 2015, there was no representation of CYSM Sea Dragons at the Victorian State level. However, in 2016, a rag tag crew of 4 rose up to the challenge and was successful in making it into the team. Their determination to be competitive was infectious and encouraged other paddlers to try out the following year. 2017 saw considerable growth of the team as a whole, with 14 members making Victorian State team selection.

Fast forward to 2018 and we could not have imagined 21 paddlers would make it into the Victorian State team across the Premier, Senior A and Junior crews! A warm congratulation to the following members who made it into their respective divisions and good luck for the State vs State races in a weeks’ time.

2018 Premier Team:

Cat Besido, Hing Hshen, Vicky Chung, Carlos Diz, Connie Li, Cindy Li, Mandy Li, Kai Yan Lin, Justin Nguyen, Katie Nguyen, Chris Phoumsavanh, Sue Phung, Yuan Soon and Boyce Wong

2018 Senior A Team:

Fung Lay, Sui Lay, John Moffat, Benny Teoh, Siu Wong and Tina Wee

2018 U18 Junior State Team:

Simon Lu


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