Registrations for this event are not currently available.
The NSW Country Championships will be held from the 6th - 10th of July at the Hunter Sports Stadium Glendale.
Draft timetable is as follows (please not this is only a draft and days may change)
WG (womens gymnastics levels 1 - 10) Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
MG (mens gymnastics levels 1 - 10) Saturday, Sunday
Tumbling levels 1 - 10 Thursday, Friday
Sports Acro level 1 - 10 Thursday
Team Gym Monday.
Gymnasts will only be required to be there for the session they are in. eg WG level 1 may be Friday morning therefore that is the only day they have to be there.
Entry fees are as follows
WG level 1- 2 $55
WG level 3 - 6 $82.50
MG level 1 - 5 $82.50
Sports Acro level 1 - 5 $82.50
Team Gym $44.00
Tumbling $71.50
If a gymnasts is doing more than 1 gym sport then any additional gym sports are only $44. The highest cost of entry is considered the gymnasts main gym sport.
example a, John is doing level 4 MG, team gym and tumbling. His entry fee would be $82.50 for MG, $44 for team gym and $44 for tumbling not $71.50 for tumbling as its an additional gym sport.
example b, Elizabeth is doing level 3 Sports acro and level 2 WG. Her entry fee would be $82.50 for sports acro and $44 for level 2 WG not $55 for WG as its the additional gym sport.
If you have any questions which gym sport or level your child should be doing please see your childs coach and please see me if you have any questions on how to fill out the entry form.
You will need to click on the "ticket" which represents what gym sport and entry fee your child is doing.
Entry forms and payment is due by Friday the 26th of May. NO LATE ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED.