
Central West Gymsports

Ninja Warrior for Patrick the Little Heart Warrior


Fri 29 Jan 2021 6:00PM — 7:00PM

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Send the kids along to an hour of Ninja warrior fun on Friday the 29th of January. Warped walls, cargo net, monkey bars, free time and more!! Open to children 5 years +. Please purchase tickets for each child attending. 

This is a fund raiser for one of our gym family’s nephew. All money raised will be donated to his go fund me page. Go fund me link - https://au.gofundme.com/f/little-heart-warrior-patrick?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Little Patrick the HEART WARRIOR.
He looks like a very happy and healthy normal little boy but he has already been through so much at such an early age.
Patrick was born with the VERY rare condition of congenitally corrected transposition of the great artery ( CCTGA) which is a fancy way to say he has a back to front heart and an extremely large hole in the middle of his heart along with two smaller ones.
He had his first open heart surgery at 10 days old and will go in for his next on January 25th - the week after his first birthday.
The next surgery is called the double switch - with only 1 baby diagnosed in Australia every 3-5 years if they are lucky.

They will stop his heart for 12 hours during surgery .

The double switch will mean they remove (cut off) the bottom two chambers from the heart and turn them around and then reverse the vessels and repair the 3 holes in his heart.

Only 2 surgeons in Australia can perform this life saving surgery.

He will be kept on life support for 4 days with his chest left open , where they will monitor his progress and ultimately decide if he will need a pacemaker.

His parents are calling him their little heart warrior as he has so many hurdles to overcome.

Neither parent wants to leave Baby Patrick's side during this time and both will need to be by his side prior and post surgery. Neither parent would ever ask for help, they just want their baby to be well and to come home with them - but this means neither will be at home with their other children (5 hours from the hospital in rural NSW) for an unknown period of time.

ALL money raised will allow us to support them and their children while they are separated and for them to remain by baby Patrick's side and help him in the long recovery road that lies ahead.



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