
Central West Gymsports

2020 Club Championships and Presentation day


2020 Club Championships and Presentation day

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Club Championships and Presentation day Saturday 5th December and Sunday 6th of December.

We would like to invite all our gymnasts and their families in our after school classes to our 2020 Club Championships and Presentation day on the 5th and 6th of December. Each class will be participating in our club championships with a mini competition or display.

Each class is allocated to one of the 8 sessions running and gymnasts must register for the event by the 1st of December. If you have more than 1 gymnast attending you will need to do a separate registration for each child. Please select a ticket for the session your child will be attending.

Each gymnast may have 2 spectators attend the event. Names of these spectators must be nominated when registering. Wrists bands will be handed out for each spectator on the day and they must sign our Covid register for each session.

Please see below session times. Ninja Fit gymnasts have 3 sessions to choose from to attend. They will only need to attend one of the sessions.

Club Championships and Presentation day Saturday 5th December

Session 1 - Ninja Fit 4 - 8 years 1 - 2pm

Session 2 - Ninja Fit 5 - 9 years 2.15 - 3.15pm

Session 3 - Ninja Fit 10 years + and advanced 3.30 - 4.30pm

Session 4 - FreeG 4.45 - 5.45pm

Club Championships and Presentation day Sunday 7th December

Session 5 - Junior Gym Fun and Gym Fun 9.30 - 10.30am

Session 6 - Gym Skills, Team Gym, Teen Levels, Tramp Fun and Tumbling 10.45 - 11.45am

Session 7 - Gym Sport Development, WAG and Trampoline levels 1 - 3 12.30 - 2pm

Session 8 - Acro, WAG and Trampoline levels 4 +  2.30 - 3.30pm

CWG Club Championships and Presentation day Covid Safe Plan.


  • Each gymnast will be permitted to have a maximum of 2 spectators (including children). This will be strictly adhered to and checked off on our list upon entry
  • Spectators may only enter the building via the large sliding doors (closest to old crossfit area) and use the toilets located in the old crossfit area
  • Parents will drop gymnasts to the front entrance and collect them from our exit door (outside in car park) at the end of their session.
  • All gymnasts, coaches and officials will enter and exit the building via the FRONT DOOR. They will be asked questions about their health and they will be marked off when entering the gym. Parents will not be permitted to enter the building via the front door.
  • All spectators will enter through the large sliding doors (closest to old crossfit area). They will be asked questions about their health and they will be marked off when entering the gym. Athletes will not be permitted in the spectator area.
  • Everyone will be asked to use hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the gym
  • Please change into your gymnastics gear before you come to gym to limit people in the bathroom area.
  • If you are sick, PLEASE STAY HOME
  • When coughing, please cover mouth with elbow
  • No sharing drink bottles
  • We ask all participants and spectators to maintain a 1.5m distance from other participants and spectators at all times


  • If you or someone in close contact has experienced COVID-19 symptoms, we ask that you refrain from attending gymnastics
  • If you or someone in close contact is undergoing testing for COVID-19, we ask that you refrain from attending gymnastics
  • If you or a close contact has COVID-19, you must notify us and not enter the building
  • If you or a close contact has visited a COVID HOTSPOT in the past 2 weeks, we ask that you notify us immediately so that we can follow the correct health protocols


  • If a gymnast happens to fall ill with COVID symptoms during their session, we will be implementing the following procedure:
    • Gymnast will be isolated in the kitchen area
    • We will call the parent and ask them to collect the gymnast straight away
    • A coach will remain nearby, wearing PPE (mask and gloves)
    • We will make sure the gymnast is cared for emotionally as well as physically, so that they are not scared by the isolation

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Best contact is email centralestgym@hotamil.com


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