
Central West Gymsports

Central West Regional Championships


Central West Regional Championships

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

The Central West Regional championships will be held at Central West Gymsports from Friday the 20th of October to Sunday the 22nd of October.

The Championships are open to CWG members and regional clubs in the following gymsports:

Rhythmic levels 1 - 4

Acro levels 1 - 4

Trampoline levels 1 - 7

Team Gym beginner - advanced

WAG levels 1 - 7

WAG masters (17 years +). masters for all (level 4) and Masters (level 7 +)

Entry fee is $66 and $44 if doing a second gymsport. NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED.

Entries close Thursday 7th of September.

Uniform - full competition uniform to be worn.

Draft timetable:

Acro and Rhythmic Friday afternoon

WAG Saturday and Sunday

Trampoline and Team Gym Sunday.

Please purchase a ticket for entry fee $66. If your child is doing a second gymsport please also purchase a ticket for $44.

Please check the box with childs gymsport and level (please check N/A if not competing in that gymsport).

If you have any questions please email centralwestgym@hotmail.com




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