

Coaching is a great way to get involved. It gives you a deeper appreciation of the game, its skills and the rules. Many of our coaches became involved when their children were playing and kept coaching even though their children have moved on to older age groups. Courses are available for anyone interested in becoming a Foundation Coach and more information can be found in the attached link.

Coaching Framework

Team Management:

Team Managers undertake the important role of ensuring that players are having fun and behaving themselves when sitting on the bench! They also ensure that players are keeping on the ball with respect to their position in the batting order and fielding line-up. 

This is a great way for parents or other family members to take a hands on approach whilst not necessarily having to learn new skills.


Scoring is another way to actively participate in your child's team. Whilst it may look complicated to a beginner, it is quite simple to pick up. We have a number of qualified scorers that can introduce you to the standard way that softball is scored in Australia and there are a number of courses conducted throughout the year by CNSA and Softball NSW.


Throughout the year, we conduct a number of fundraising activities in order to keep costs to players at a minimum. Fundraising events can include, but are not limited to, barbeques at Bunnings Warehouse, chocolate drives, trivia night, family bingo, and a variety of other events. We need help organising these fundraisers, including collection of donations, cooking barbeques, set up and manning events.

Working Bee:

Prior to the beginning of each season, CNSA puts a call out to Clubs to provide assistance with working bees at both International Peace Park (IPP) at Seven Hills and at Stanhope Softball Fields at Stanhope Gardens to ensure when get the grounds ready for players to take the diamond. We will put the call out to our members when we are advised of the date and we always appreciate as much support as we can get.

Canteen Duty:

During the season, Cruisers may be required to provide volunteers to help out in the CNSA Canteens (pending Covid rules). The duties involve helping with the sale of food and drinks, running the BBQ and any other assistance as required. We will circulate a roster to team managers once we have been advised of any duties we have been allocated as a Club.


Whilst it appears daunting at first, umpiring is something that all players and parents should get involved in as it helps with gaining an understanding of the rules of softball. As a parent it also gives you a better understanding and appreciation of what your children are doing on the diamond.

All Clubs at CNSA are required to undertake base umpiring duties on a regular basis. Whilst CNSA attempts to provide plate umpires for as many games as possible, it may not be able to be done all of the time.

CNSA conducts at least one training session each season that focuses on umpiring basis to assist players with understanding the rules. If parents are interested in getting involved in umpiring, coming along and getting involved in one of these sessions is a great start.



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