Coburg Premier League - Winter 2024

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

The inaugural Coburg Table Tennis Club Premier League will start on June 6, 2024. It will comprise of 7 two-person teams (with each player playing two singles and one doubles match, all to be played to ‘best of five’) and will run for 14 rounds, followed by semi-finals and final (note: no play on July 11 during Nationals). Entries close on Saturday  June 1, 2024.

Fees: $130

  • Fees are to be paid at the club. An ‘early bird’ fee of $120 applies if fees are paid by Tuesday May 21, 2024.
  • players must be TTV registered
  • an additional CTTC annual membership fee ($10) applies, unless already paid for in 2024.

Rating Central Requirement: Players who are over 1600 Rating Central points (as at close of registrations) should apply for consideration; however, players who are below 1600 RC points will be considered if circumstances warrant.

Entries: Individual entries only. However, preferred partners may be nominated and will be taken into account by the CTTC Pennant Sub-Committee. Team selection is at the discretion of the sub-committee and will aim for ‘fair’ and balanced teams, a key consideration being a team ‘rating’ calculated on the basis of Player A and Player B averaged Rating Central points. For example, if Player A has 1800 RCPs and Player B has 1700 RCPs, the team ‘rating’ is 1750. The sub-committee will prioritise a minimal team differential.

Prize Money

  • Leading player: $800*
  • Number 2 player: $500*
  • Number 3 player: $300*
  • Number 4 player: $200*
  • Premiers: $300 each
  • Runners-up: $200 each

* Leading player, number 2 player, etc will be determined at the end of Round 14. If two or more players tie for Leading player, number 2 player, etc, ties will be broken on the basis of matches won>match %>games %>points%.

Fill-ins: Teams are encouraged to provide fill-ins where required. All fill-ins should follow a 'like for a like' rule such that the fill-in cannot be more than 50 Ratings Central Points above the player they are filling in for. Note: players can be substituted up to 3 times during the home/away season. Beyond that, a fill-in will be allowed but their matches will not count towards the team leaderboard (their results, however, will be uploaded to Ratings Central).

Please contact Brian on 0492 904 954 if you have any questions.


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