Friday Pennant - Autumn 2023


Fri 03 Feb 2023 19:00 — 21:15
Coburg Table Tennis Club, Ray Kibby Centre, 50 Murray Rd Coburg North 3058

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Friday Pennant - Autumn Season (2 person teams)
Starting date: February 3, 2023

Duration of season will be confirmed once registrations close.

Pennant fee: $5.50 per player per week payable up front when season starts.

Additional fees: CTTC annual membership ($10 annual fee) and TTV social player registration ($40 annual fee).

Applications close on January 26, 2023. Late entries will not be accepted.

Coburg Table Tennis Club has a pennant sub-committee that will select players for the upcoming pennant season. Selection is based on a number of factors but ultimately is at the discretion of the committee. Due to limited available spaces, some applicants may not get a spot in pennant. The club will advise non-successful applicants once selections are finalised.



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