Strength and Conditioning for Track and Field


Sat 16 Sep 2023 09:00 — Sun 17 Sep 2023 15:00
Athletics Australia - Strength and Conditioning for Track and Field

Course information

This course is sold out.

Date: September 16 and 17, 2023
Venue: New South Wales Institute of Sport 


Presented by Athletics Australia Strength and Conditioning Lead, Cory Innes



9:00am to 3:30pm Theory Seminars and Practical Workshops
7:00pm onwards Networking Dinner (Optional)

8:45 to 2:30pm Practical Workshops

Course Overview

The Performance Strength and Conditioning course is designed to give Track and Field coaches an advanced level of understanding and application of strength and conditioning principles. 

The program will be delivered over one weekend with a strong focus on practical coaching skills working with athletes targeting an international-level competition. 


Program Structure

Module 1: Coaching for International Level Performance

  • Determine and apply an elite level of coaching skills applicable to apply S&C coaching as a Track & Field Coach.
  • Review Coaching practices and assess suitability to individuals or squads at international level performance


Module 2: Planning and Monitoring Training and Competition 

  • Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of periodisation, including integration of training components, integration of the Track & Field specific programming and S&C training, strategies for dealing with International Performing athletes
  • Demonstrate a detailed understanding of load management within yearly or competition-based planning
  • Implement performance tests appropriate to different Track & Field event groups at International Levels


Module 3: Strength Training for Track and Field Athletes (3 x 60 minutes)

  • Apply resistance training programs to improve Track & Field specific event groups to peak at international level


Module 4: Speed and Plyometric Development (2 x 60 minutes)

  • Outline concepts of general and specific training methods of speed development appropriate to different track & field event groups
  • Demonstrate an understanding of speed mechanics efficient to developing force across different track & field event groups
  • Demonstrate an understanding of speed and plyometric periodsation to track & field performance programs
  • Outline Upper vs Lower Limb Speed & Plyometric development
  • Apply training methods to increase reaction, agility, acceleration, speed endurance and maximum velocity appropriate to track and field event groups


Module 5: Energy Systems Conditioning

  • Define and quantify energy system requirements specific to Track & Field events at international level sports performance
  • Plan and implement training strategies to improve the 3 energy systems capacities using a wide range of different and appropriate modalities to track and field event groups



Course Activities

Throughout the weekend, you will complete the following tasks in cooperation with your educators and peers. 

  • Create and share your coaching philosophy
  • Produce or refine a 1-year training plan for an international campaign based on one of your current athletes. 
  • Produce or refine a 1-year strength training plan, incorporating testing and multiple session types. 
  • Produce or refine a 1-year plyometrics training plan.


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