Eating Disorder in Sport Workshop


Wed 29 Mar 2023 15:00 — 19:00
Athletics Australia - Eating Disorder in Sport Workshop

Course information

This course has passed.

Date: Wednesday 29th March

Time: 3-7pm

Where: Brisbane (QAS Lecture Room, QSAC Kessels Road, Nathan QLD 4111)

All level 3 and 4 Track & Field coaches will be required to complete the Eating Disorder in Sport (EDiS) workshop prior to January 1, 2026. 

Register here

Session Overview

Disordered eating and eating disorders are serious, complex, and often misunderstood health issues which significantly impact the well-being, performance, and ongoing participation of athletes in our sport. 

Athletics Australia believes that every sport is responsible for creating a healthy sport system which minimises the risk and occurrence of eating disorders.  

Education is the best evidence-based method for the prevention of disordered eating and eating disorders. To facilitate this, the AIS and the National Eating Disorders Collaboration have created the Eating Disorders in Sport (EDiS) interactive workshop for all coaches and performance support staff. Athletics Australia has adapted this workshop to meet the specific needs of Accredited Athletics Coaches and Track and Field athletes. 

The workshop provides a safe, non-judgmental environment for participants to discuss and enhance their understanding of these topics. 


Course Outcomes

  • Understand the prevalence and consequences of disordered eating and eating disorders in Track and Field. 
  • Increase awareness and knowledge of the signs and symptoms of disordered eating and eating disorders in athletes.
  • Explore the importance of prevention and early identification of disordered eating and eating disorders in athletes. 
  • Increase confidence to assist an athlete with disordered eating or an eating disorder up to the scope of their role. 

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